We don't have "put away" wives today nor do we allow polygamy. Wife beaters were regularly stoned in Biblical times.(illegal today) Women are allowed to access the courts today...even have voting rights. So in the culture where Jesus said these things of course He was right.
Today most every circumstance that Jesus said these things in has changed drastically.
And yet we want to somehow do as Jesus said. Even verbatim if possible...but it's not possible.
And the crux of what Jesus was talking about was abusing those whom you claim to love....as in don't do that. Don't abandon loved ones who depend upon you. Don't abuse people who depend on you financially because you somehow "deserve better/more".
Divorce is one of those things that creates a callous on your heart...you never recover from it either. Each divorce makes it worse. Which is why second and third divorces are so much easier than the first. And living together is not much different than a marriage except for the legal protections that a formal marriage provides.
Today most every circumstance that Jesus said these things in has changed drastically.
And yet we want to somehow do as Jesus said. Even verbatim if possible...but it's not possible.
And the crux of what Jesus was talking about was abusing those whom you claim to love....as in don't do that. Don't abandon loved ones who depend upon you. Don't abuse people who depend on you financially because you somehow "deserve better/more".
Divorce is one of those things that creates a callous on your heart...you never recover from it either. Each divorce makes it worse. Which is why second and third divorces are so much easier than the first. And living together is not much different than a marriage except for the legal protections that a formal marriage provides.
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