Its readily apparent that if you spend any length of time as a believer the most discouragement, despair, fear and doubt comes from .....Yes ,other 'Christians '
The doubt of course is undoubtedly on ' Grace ' and ' free gift ' . This is completely lost of the majority of Christians. I believe they too probably started out with Joy and were then equally brought down in flames with the ' Lord shippers ' , the ' Lords Navy ' ( Water, water every where) and those ' if , but , maybe conditional, probationary teachers .
Its ironic ,in Church on Sunday morning every one is rejoicing ,singing along to those great hymns of blessed assurance , eternal security, gurenteed heaven , joy unspeakable. Only to be followed by a message of doom upon the congregation, that they better be keeping in line otherwise your name will be blotting out " But don't have fear , it definitely won't be me ,the pastor ,but I'm thinking you lot "
Yes , what tragedy that crushes the life out of the believer, shipwrecking his faith, stealing his joy .
What were looking at here is the different degrees at which some teach . I myself only in the last two years realised I was also teaching a type of Lordship salvation ,unwittingly. Thats the tragedy, most believers cannot understand Grace and a 'free gift 'that salvation is today .
Thoughts ?
The doubt of course is undoubtedly on ' Grace ' and ' free gift ' . This is completely lost of the majority of Christians. I believe they too probably started out with Joy and were then equally brought down in flames with the ' Lord shippers ' , the ' Lords Navy ' ( Water, water every where) and those ' if , but , maybe conditional, probationary teachers .
Its ironic ,in Church on Sunday morning every one is rejoicing ,singing along to those great hymns of blessed assurance , eternal security, gurenteed heaven , joy unspeakable. Only to be followed by a message of doom upon the congregation, that they better be keeping in line otherwise your name will be blotting out " But don't have fear , it definitely won't be me ,the pastor ,but I'm thinking you lot "
Yes , what tragedy that crushes the life out of the believer, shipwrecking his faith, stealing his joy .
What were looking at here is the different degrees at which some teach . I myself only in the last two years realised I was also teaching a type of Lordship salvation ,unwittingly. Thats the tragedy, most believers cannot understand Grace and a 'free gift 'that salvation is today .
Thoughts ?
Personally if you fear going to hell or losing your salvation that should be an indicator that your heart already is in repentance but to remain in that fear and doubt is not of Christ it's the devil lying to you.
A quick testimony from me if I may, see I struggle daily with self worth I even fear that I have strayed to far and some time ago I was in my room being bombarded by these kind of thoughts it was more intense than anything I ever dealt with so much so the fear and pain of it almost overcame me.
I had to come to a place where I was broken and finally accept the eternal love he has for me as if I could do no wrong in his eyes, when I accepted his grace and accepted that I am clean and spotless in him only then was the fear and the bombarding of the intruding negative thoughts suddenly went away I was free and life came back into me.
My concern is that new believers will encounter those who believe we can lose what was bought not by our own doing but by the blood of Christ, my fear is that such people will reach new believers first and then they will start on a path of working for their salvation always trying to be enough always trying to be perfect.
Sometimes I feel sorry for people who believe this because if they were one of those new believers in life and the enemy used a Christian who teaches this burned it into them then they keep fighting for salvation in vain
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