Hi all,
Like I have said in previous posts I am not the most knolagable christian, but I am daily improving and studying the bible..
My question
I have been a boxer for many many years, and I feel it has done me alot of good - kept me away from drugs etc, many of my christian friends from church have told me to stop boxing, and studying mma (which I have been doing more recently this last year)
What is a biblical perspective on this?
I dont see boxing as violent as it has helped me in many ways avoid confrontation and not drink drugs etc, given me a purpose when going abroad etc, but ultimatley it is an art that can hurt people...
I am a Professional Boxer 102F Amateur, Muay Thai 78F and MMA 27F Athlete. I have always been involved in combat sports since I was 8yrs old. I'm now 41yrs and will be making another run for a Muay Thai title again next year.
Muay Thai is steeped in Buddhism, however I don't go down the Buddhist aspect of the sport. I am a 'Child of the way'. Many...many...many a times. I have had extremist Christians telling me it is wrong. I says,'If it is then, who is going to help those in the sport to believe in Jesus. Are you? They won't listen to a Bible thumping Christian on the street. They won't go into a Church to listen. The majority of martial artists believe in themselves as a god. Who is going to reach out to them by sharing the Gospel'. Then he says he could tell about Jesus and then he would walk away after he leaves. I says,'That is not worth nothing at all. I do what I do as I have been put there for a purpose. To share the Gospel with kindred spirits because the Lord said,'Let your light shine before men, so they can see your good works'. A lot of Christians cannot do what I do nor teach how I teach to the lost in the world of Martial Arts'.
I'm being currently trained as a Marketplace Minister. My Church are brilliant and support me in everything that I do. They want me to bring home the fruits back to the Holy Divine whom is known as the Vine. The Lord Jesus. A Marketplace Minister is a Christian who shares the Gospel with those either in his or her work place, community outlets, and sports & leisure facilities. You could also be a Caddy of a Golf Club and be an effective Marketplace Minister.
Do not excuse the pun. Beat yourself up over it. Ignore and do what the Lord wants you do. Ask personally for the Holy Spirit to guide and illuminate your path. My tip is ensure you teach the true word of GOD of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as One GOD revealed in Three Persons. Always, in everything you do in sports, give thanks and reverence to GOD. I live in Phuket, Thailand. And have told the camp I cannot do the traditional Wai Kru and so I created my own. There are three bows in the Wai Kru or Ram Muay. One for your belief, One for your trainer and One for your family. I don't. I do One for the Father. One for the Son. One for the Holy Spirit. If I'm asked to do the dance. I do so for the love my Lord and my GOD. It is my chance to show Jesus how much I love Him. This is my outward witness to those in attendance. I got the idea from king David when he danced for GOD but of course I'm not naked. I then proceed on one knee. My left hand placed on my heart. My right held palmed facing towards me up high. I then pray the 'Our Father who art in Hallowed. Thy kingdom come...'.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins, as we forgive as we forgive those who is sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, are yours now and forever. My Lord and my God. Amen.
Then I perform the sign of the cross to show those I'm a Christian. I have been jumped on by people in the audience Catholics saying it's good to know that I'm a Catholic. This is my chance to say. 'I'm not. I'm a monotheist trinitarian Christian. I believe Jesus is the way the truth and life. The second person of the Godhead bodily in fullness. I do not pray to any other no man, woman or saint. Including Mary. For He gave me life'. Then they freak and sometimes cause a bitter argument. Then I says,'You realize I just won and can fight right? So don't argue with me I don't want to get into another one unless you wanna pay me'.
Whether, I win by KO or not again on one knee and look up to GOD and announce the battle was won but the victory, power and glory is yours now and forever my Lord and my GOD. I will express do not for one second be after the traditions of men and the rudiments of the world. Always, I mean always give reverence and glory to GOD first and only. This I have adopted after Samson killed over 1,000 Philistine army men. Though Samson was the only superhuman to have ever lived on the earth in recorded true fact history. After the battle Samson realized he was dying of thirst and came to the understanding it is not of himself but of GOD Almighty. That is what people miss out on the Samsons life story. His incredible faith but lack of obedience.
If I'm too lose again on one knee and look up to GOD and announce the battle was won but the victory, power and glory is yours now and forever my Lord and my GOD. I still win for GOD because I was able to show the world that I have an identity. I am a child of GOD and I'm not ashamed of it. Remember, the martial arts is a cruel world. Men will revile you and persecute. But, blessed are they who do hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.
Do not listen to people in this matter. Listen to the heart of our Lord and our GOD. We must all remember that we are the last messengers for Jesus. We are the Fifth Gospel. Don't give up and don't give in. What will you say when you are judged by Him when He asks,'Why did you not teach those who I am in the sport I personally place you in?'. What will you say? Probably, 'I was told not by Christians'. He will more likely say,'What did I write on your heart?. Do you know I lost many as you did not do what I asked of you?'. We have meaning and purpose. That is to love GOD and love others first before we love ourselves, to share His loving Word. Christians who stick within their own confines of the Church expect a certain group of people to preach and teach to. Have you seen a Church actively going around to martial art stables to preach the Word of GOD. No you don't and you won't ever because they are either gutless scared, or don't know how to go about it. So they make up such a lame excuse as 'It wrong'. That is pathetic and weak and absolutely wrong! Who is going to save those in the martial arts if there is no Christian mixed in? Jesus save any because of Christians damning those involved in the sport therefore damning the lost entirely because we are told not to. Well, we are commanded to so we can bring home the fruits of our labor so Jesus can only do the saving but it must start with us first. We cannot save no one only Jesus can.
I'm quite intimidating in front and I use it to my advantage. When a Christian tells me it's wrong and not to do it. I stop put on my fight face stare real hard at them to get in them and say with meaning, conviction and passion 'Who is going to help save them, are you?'. They look for a moment and out comes a whimper 'No'. 'Good let me deal with it. Move on!'. I'm covered in tattoos and I'm rather magnetic. People of all walks of life in the martial arts train with me, talk with me, eat with me, laugh at me and with me and cry with me. Christians who stick within their safety net restrict not only themselves but also ultimately our Lord and our GOD.
I wrote an article about 7yrs ago and it follows. Be strong. Be passionate. Be determined for our GOD.
Add me on here and when I fight next year. I will link you to the video. Lastly, go through and see how many Christians are Champions in the UFC and on TV. Someone is obviously winning. JESUS!
'Not all Christians are given the gifts to be a Roger Federer, a Tiger Woods, a Christiano Ronaldo, a NFL Quarterback, a NBA player who saved the game on the final buzzer, or the greatest of them all Muhammad Ali.
Martial Arts is heavily involved in the media mainstream, reaching out to the millions. Through the Silver Screen, Pay Per View, Sitcoms, Martial Art Documentaries, Martial Art Magazines etc.
However, when it is revealed that a Christian competes in an extreme martial art such as, MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, Kyokushin Karate, Savate, Escrima etc. People are quick to act as to how, we as Christians can be involved in a sport that inflicts pain upon people. But, the ones who act the quickest are other Christians, whom has every right to voice their opinions but to judge a Christian Champion is wrong.
There are Christians in the Armed Forces which inevitably are trained to kill. The millions will argue that it's for self defense, then what about an invasion of another country? Who are they then defending?
Everyday Christians hurt people and people hurt people, physically, mentally and emotionally with intent and conviction. Are they a whole better than the Christian Champions whom compete? Still Christian Champions give thanks and praise to God despite a loss. Is it not a good idea to show humility?
Do Buddhists, Taoists and Muslims receive unfair judgement because they are extreme fighters?
That's the cross, we as Christian Champions have to carry. A burden where we are judged by non-believers and Christians a like.
But Jesus truly knows the identity of our heart not man.
Ultimately, we as Christian Champions have work to do. Remember we as Christians don't save, Jesus does. We only need to plant the seed. We may not save millions but if we can help the Lord save at least one, it becomes a victory truly won.
We can inspire. We can become role models. We can breathe the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit to speak through us.
God gave us all the gifts you have. Use them well and share His love while you do
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13
The battle is won but the Power the Glory and the Victory belongs to...GOD!'