This post earned you a ribbon...ha
Can you be honest then?
You only want to deal with the elect, and side step the implications of your dogma.
The non-elect are never regenerated so they can believe correct?
So why are they created and how does God hold them accountable for their unbelief when they were never regenerated so they can believe?
Is this not the logical outcome of your dogma.. few Calvinists want to be honest about this why is that?
He shall never be clearly persuaded, as we ought to be, that our salvation flows from eternal election, which illumines God’s grace by this contrast: that he does not indiscriminately adopt all into the hope of salvation but gives to some what he denies to others.”
John Calvin
What is continually evident is all the problems that Calvinism causes with unanswerable questions and the inconsistent character of
God and then they need books and more books to explain away all the problems created by a system that is not biblical anyway!!
All you need to do is read the bible. Its all in there.
Why did God create the Caananites? The Egyptians? The Amalekites? The Philistines?
Were they held accountable for their unbelief? Yes.
Its throughout the WHOLE Bible. Theres the elect and the non-elect. Believers and unbelievers. How can you read the bible and not see it??? How can you live in the world and not see it??
Because it is SO evident there is only ONE of two conclusions to be made. 1. God is impotent and CANNOT save those He chooses to Save. Or 2. God is Powerful to Save and Saves 100% of all the people He chooses to Save.
The free-will philosophy (which is unbiblical) holds to the first conclusion. That God is impotent. Mens Wills over-ride Gods Will in this philosophy.
In Calvinism, and biblically based theology, God is Powerful to Save and Saves 100% of all the people He chooses to Save.
Its not difficult at all for someone who reads the bible and is actually saved to reject the free-will philosophy.