Naylor, as much as it might pain you, and others here, one does NOT have to subscribe to the theological beliefs you have to be a Child of God. I have for many years had the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to assure me, to guide me, to direct me, to comfort me and to witness that I am a Child of God. No creed required, nor following the teachings of some man required.
You are, of course, 100% correct! One does
not have to subscribe to the theological beliefs of Calvin to be a
child of God. Just
BELIEVE in your heart that the Spirit of God raised up Jesus from the dead? And,
POOF!! You are a
child of God! Also called
"children of light." Of these? There is
NO condemnation!
Should you remember what I stated concerning Calvin, was that in, and during the perfecting, or maturing within my spirit? I have
"experienced", MANY SIMILARITIES, to that which Calvin expressed. And, like I've stated before on several occasions? Until I came into CC? I hadn't
really ever
heard of John Calvin! Which, to me, anyways, warranted a
closer inspection of
his theological belief "system", I suppose would be a better way to put it. For
this? However, there
is MUCH condemnation for! And
this? Is exercising
your free will, to do so! That's
OK, child of God! I can
handle it!
Luke 12
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
Although, I did inquire of you to answer Gods' "call" of pressing on to the "Higher Calling" of God,
in Christ? I cannot, nor shall I
force you, or
anyone, for that matter, to answer it!
What I am doing however, is putting forth a testimony,
to, and
for those, like myself, who were born into this world and Heaven (age), that have been
foreknown and predestined from a
previous earth and Heaven age! And again? I shall not force
anyone to believe, nor accept this!
I say "we", because I know there are more then just myself, here in this current time. Born from woman
AT WAR from the womb, against the prince of this world (age)! That is to say satan!
already the
Spirit of God, bearing wittness to our "flesh spirit" whilst we are still "nursing" from our mother's milk! What this
does? And I can only answer for myself here, is
conforming of my spirit, and mind, and heart in the
bonding WITH the prince of this world! For me? This is
IMPOSSIBLE! For my soul, you see? Is with the "Order of Melchizadek!" Which is, as you should know? A
FOREVER Priesthood! Does this mean that my flesh body does not have
needs for being baptised into Christ Jesus? As many opponents of Calvin's theology so loudly proclaim?
God FORBID! I can understand, however, the why Calvin, and even the Catholic church, along with other denominations, do infant baptism. This is not really "necessary", as God "knows" where I am, and they are, and places us in the "ideal" scenario, where we do get baptized into Christ! According to His purpose, and good pleasure!
And yes? We are mocked and scoffed at in the eyes of natural man, who can't understand this, being "programmed" by the prince of this world (age), as folly in their eyes! Along with 5 bucks these days, will get ya a cup of coffee!
Dreamers! ADHD! Aspbergers, along with a whole host of "ailments and maladies" the eyes of men, with oh so much "aid in abundance", from the tree of knowledge, and good and evil! With a surety of more "labels" to come! To which opens ones' eyes to an "AWARENESS of SELF", or? A "separateness" FROM God! Which was NOT present before the "garden of Eden incident!" As the "gene pool", becomes more and more corrupted with each passing generation.
Ya know? There was a time, when I claimed I had "every mental, emotional, and social malady KNOWN to man!" "And, SOME, they haven't invented "names" for yet!"
Some may even lay claim, that my Mom, missed her appointment at the abortion clinic! "NICE TRY HEROD!"
1 Corinthians 13
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I'll just leave this here:
Isaiah 57
15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.