I realize the doctrines of total depravity and election are difficult for some. But Paul clearly believed we are totally depraved and the doctrine of election is clearly defined in scripture. From one nation, Israel, being elected while other nations were left without, to the New Testament elect in Christ, it is clearly there. I think people have such a difficult time grasping it because they feel they are good and righteous on their own in some way, or that God requires them to do something in order to be saved, like meet him half way. Truth is, we do nothing apart from God to earn salvation or meet him half way. It is his gift apart from what we do.
I honestly think rejection of these doctrines stems from human pride and ego. I don't mean that to put anyone down. I struggled with these doctrines myself for a long time. But if we conclude that ALL are under sin and NONE seek after God and that ALL are deserving of death, then we look to God who has decided to have mercy on many and make his grace evident to them, all for the benefit of his own glory, and we praise him for it.
Whether you believe in election or not, if you have your faith and trust in Jesus and follow him, you ARE one of the elect.