It is very simple even childlike if you stick to what the bible says. Jesus never said that ordinances or sacraments save. We are saved by grace. We receive grace when we believe Gods word and trust Christ alone to save us. No trusting in one's own merits through ordinances and rituals or rites. Demonstrate from the scriptures what is necessary above and beyond grace. God has declared that those who are saved will know it because His Holy Spirit will witness with their spirit that they are His. Do not confuse this with the charismatic stuff but saved folks know the still soft voice of God in their hearts.
You are in error if you assume that those who are saved and know it are proud. In fact just the opposite is true. It is quite humbling to know that your personal sin sent the Lamb of God to the cross of Calvary. It is quite humbling to stand in the presence of Almighty God and give thanks for what He and He alone has done to redeem one so unworthy.
Spiritual pride and presumption is quite evident in the false humility of the high church religion. The church where pomp and pride are on continuous display.
Attempting to change God into something more appealing to the flesh of man is never a good plan. You cannot know the joy of salvation if you must fear falling into condemnation for the slightest infraction of some pious frauds arbitrary standard of good enough to satisfy God. All the mighty works man might imagine are but dross before God Who alone is Holy.
For the cause of Christ
You are in error if you assume that those who are saved and know it are proud. In fact just the opposite is true. It is quite humbling to know that your personal sin sent the Lamb of God to the cross of Calvary. It is quite humbling to stand in the presence of Almighty God and give thanks for what He and He alone has done to redeem one so unworthy.
Spiritual pride and presumption is quite evident in the false humility of the high church religion. The church where pomp and pride are on continuous display.
Attempting to change God into something more appealing to the flesh of man is never a good plan. You cannot know the joy of salvation if you must fear falling into condemnation for the slightest infraction of some pious frauds arbitrary standard of good enough to satisfy God. All the mighty works man might imagine are but dross before God Who alone is Holy.
For the cause of Christ
You haven't mentioned a single scripture in that, just an opinion, which as far as I am concerned you are welcome to hold , but I do not share it.
I don't want an argument, least of all on this thread, so let us agree to disagree, since were I to reply I would challenge every line from scripture. Take sacraments clearly do matter, take baptism john 3:16 " unless you are born again of water........you cannot enter the kingdom" etc
On a very practical level , it is sensible to assume that Jesus wants/ expects you to do all he asks, and I hope your reliance on theology, that "once you are saved" , you can get away with breaking / not doing any other ordinance does not come back to bite you, as it did for the ones such as Matthew 25:41
I really do hope you are saved as you believe! Me, Poor sinner, I just have to do my best to do what seems asked of me, and hope for grace when the time comes
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