I do not believe there is disagreement between Protestants and Catholics for each of these.
- Sola Fide, by faith alone. - There is disagreement, since Catholics believe in faith and works. No one is disagreeing about the faith part, but on works. Isn't there some support for works, hence why Martin Luther wanted to remove Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelations from the Canon? Why else would Martin Luther want to remove these books?
- Sola Scriptura, by Scripture alone. - Early Christians relied on oral tradition. The earliest Christians most likely only had one Gospel depending on where they were living, rather than all four Gospels (the disciples/apostles were spread out and were living in different locations). The NT was compiled earliest around 200 AD-300 AD. As these Christians did not have Scripture, what did they rely upon? The early (Catholic) church analyzed through a lot of criteria to determine whether the book/letter was inspired by God. First, there were a lot of gnostic books which were weeded out. Other criteria include whether the book was written by an apostle, whether it was accepted by the majority, whether the book/letter had a lot of impact/inspiration on the community/congregation, etc. My point here is that there is a strong dose of tradition in compiling the NT. I have not researched papal decrees, but it seemed that the Catholic Church followed apostolic tradition closely/ tried to protect or expand Christendom in the beginning but later got a bit anti-Semitic so it looks like the Catholic Church sidetracked from even tradition. So, it seems that the Catholic Church went beyond/outside the scope of tradition.
- Solus Christus, through Christ alone. - Both Protestants and Catholics agree. Catholics pray to the saints because it is written in the Apocrypha. They do not view Mary as God/Messiah.
- Sola Gratia, by grace alone. - Both Protestants and Catholics agree (although Catholics believe grace comes with faith and works).
- Soli Deo Gloria, glory to God alone. - Both Protestants and Catholics agree.
Than where the teaching of pray to Mary come from, from what scripture
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