Where most people go Wrong with Tongues and the Gifts Ceasing, is thinking of a Pre-Trib Rapture that the Holy Spirit and ALL Believers are Gone from Earth, leaving just Satan and humanity.
Why is that wrong?
The TWO WITNESSES will be able to have Power, to Unleash it, to show Great Signs and Miracles.
That only Happens when the Holy Spirit is PRESENT!
So, if the Holy Spirit is here during God's Wrath, so will God's Believers be, and so will the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, including Speaking in Tongues be present!!
Why is that wrong?
The TWO WITNESSES will be able to have Power, to Unleash it, to show Great Signs and Miracles.
That only Happens when the Holy Spirit is PRESENT!
So, if the Holy Spirit is here during God's Wrath, so will God's Believers be, and so will the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, including Speaking in Tongues be present!!
Because it is an error, and never came out of the Mouth of God, it perpetuates it's error unto other Scripture and creates more and more error.
False teaching today from the error of 'pre-trib' has created 'other gospels' even to the point of denying clear spoken words of the Lord.
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