If all motion is relative, then the geocentric model works, too. The math to calculation positions of planets is just more complicated I suppose. (Calculating such things is not my thing.)
the math for orbits of other planets if the earth is the center of the solar system requires them doing infinite epicycles ((loop-de-loops)) and changing direction unpredictably, as though there are no physical laws at all.
but with the sun as the center, a few simple and elegant equations describe all motion with incredible precision.
kinda an Occam's razor argument, sure - but the worldview that allows you to actually understand things, act on them and make basic predictions is a lot more worthwhile to actually implement than one in which all is chaos and there is no order or consistency.
Isaac Newton was a devoted Christian. in his view, the existence of these elegant laws of motion and discernable, ubiquitous order in the universe was proof of it having been created by a logical, sentient God - far more proof than may kind being the center of all things, which is honestly just vain humanism.
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