Dear Graybeard
I am sorry to hear about the problem in your church. We had a similar situation here. Fortunately our Pastors are believers in the Word and they believed us when we reported it. The Word is very clear on witchcraft, it also gives you the door in which it entered. Rebellion is as witchcraft the Word says in Hebrews 3:8. When the person we believed was a witch entered the church, we began praying in the Spirit and binding the powers she was trying to loose. This is a spiritual battle, one we have to rely on Jesus to take care of. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have available to us. I suggest you and those who agree with you get together and pray in the Spirit for wisdom on handle what is now loosed in your church. I know fowl spirits hate praise and worship music. If you can play that when no one is there praying I would reccommend it. You asked for points to be addressed:
1.You have the blood of Jesus to use to bind that spirit of strife up, if there are more than one of you I suggest you all pray together. Matthew 16:19
A. Pray in the Spirit. Romans 8:26
2. You have the blood of Jesus to use to bind the witchcraft as it enters, or go one better and pray for it (the spirit) not to enter. Bind it from the
church in prayer. I have come up against a few in my time. Call on the name of Jesus it's His fight we just do what the Word says.
Anoint the outside of the doors with anointed oil this way if anything be in there already it can leave, but nothing else can come in.
Your Pastor should do this or an elder. Exodus 12:7 Leviticus 8:10-12
3. Do for this woman the same thing yuo did for the witch and warlock. Please if you don't know what you are doing, don't do anything except pray for
God's wisdom and guidance. Jeremiah 33:3 Isaiah 43:2 (the rest of chapt. 43 is powerful) John 16:23-24
I pray as I type this helps you, God is in control even if the devil wants you to believe different. God bless I will keep you and your church in my prayers. Do not fear this spirit, God will answer your call and He is much more powerful than any demon. Philippians 2:10