While I don't agree with everything you've said, you have had a lot of very thoughtful things to share in this conversation and I thank you for them. The quote above cannot be emphasized enough. And we as Christians need to know how to apply a real understanding of the spiritual world to all of life, so I thought I would share a meme I made a while back that is related.
I am familiar with the terms oppression and possession, but I find your term obsession an interesting distinction. It would be under the umbrella of oppression in the vernacular of my fellowship, but I think I know just what you mean. There is definitely a difference between a spirit pestering your for an afternoon and one that torments you for years or even decades. I have known both myself, as I had one torment and corrupt me starting when I was around 9 years old. I soon after started fighting against it's temptations toward hateful, prideful thoughts (FYI, they were really self-hatred in disguise, which begetted more self-hatred because I couldn't stop), but I couldn't hope to ever win the war until one day like 10-15 years back when God finally freed me from the evil spirit that had 'obsessioned' (is that a word?) me.
At that point God had taught me a lot about evil spirits so I had some context. Then that day I kept feeling like an emotion or something I couldn't identify. I kept asking God what it was, but wasn't getting an answer. However, back then I was a substitute teacher and paraeducator and God gave me a job that day where there was a late start followed by a lot of time with nothing to do but sit and think. I spent all of that bonus time trying to determine what the feeling was and continuing to call out to God about it. It wasn't till I was driving home, though, that God finally answered. Suddenly the verse came to mind, "Love does not delight in evil" (1 Cor. 13:6a) and it was only then that I could discern that what it was, was that same draw to think evil of a certain type of people. God then showed me what to do about it, though it's rather out there and I'm not looking to get controversial so I won't get into it now. Anyway, though the grooming didn't suddenly disappear and I fight others attacking my weakness to this day, I am now winning the war where I couldn't before. For example, they frequently try to tempt me in my sleep, but though I don't necessarily get it immediately, I'm to the point where even in my sleep I am able to discern what is going on and rebuke them.
An important side note on this, though. What Satan meant for evil God used for good. Though I grew up in a Christian home, it was this very attack and revealing of a weakness that made me really understand how desperately I needed a savior - the repentance of salvation.
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