Someone was saying a day or so ago (I have been off work sick for more than a week and am generally losing track of the days in my dotage LOL) that being reformed does not necessarily mean Calvinist. Another person who seems to be a dyed-in-the-wool Calvinist agreed with me that God does not make it impossible for any to believe, and yet, according to Calvinism, God has chosen ahead of time who will and who will not believe, which does make it impossible for those not chosen, to accept the offer of salvation, which is not, was not, and cannot be for them. And yet they will be punished for not believing. I have heard Calvinists say that God ordains everything, as if He were making everything happen, which also seems to me like they are ascribing evil to God, as if God causes men to act as they do, as if we are all puppets instead of men being responsible for the choices they make. Perhaps you have also seen me say that I do not believe man's will is free, which some take to mean we are incapable of making choices (which is obviously not what I mean). I say all that wondering where on the spectrum of this label do you rate yourself, if at all? Does saying you are somewhat reformed mean you are a Calvinist in some respects but not all? I am simply curious... I find it interesting also that so many outright reject the notion of total depravity even if they call themselves an Arminian, which also espouses the depravity of man. I do not consider myself either Calvinist or Arminian.
There are too many place in scripture which mention the depravity of man and their inability to turn to Christ. So yes, I would look at myself and say I have always been His! He had a plan for me. After I was born it took almost 40 years for me to turn to Him, but that was His plan for me.
This is a mystery that I cannot and will not fully comprehend until glorification, when all will be revealed.
Many will say that God is not fair, that it would not be fair for God to save some and not others. But, we do not think on the same level as God. He even tells us – Have I no right to do what I want with my own? (Matt. 20:1)
God is under no obligation to save any. None of us deserve His mercy. The very fact that we receive it should make us forever thankful.
So, in summary, I believe as most reformed. However, I do not like the term Calvinist.
I think there are many people who do not consider themselves to be God's Elect, they would never consider TULIP to be true. Does that mean that they cannot be saved. NO! God may draw anyone to himself. In fact, I think that more of them may eventually arrive in Heaven than the reformed of this world! However, I do believe that they are God's Elect and just don't know or believe it. Thank God that Heaven is large enough to hold both!
As for free will, I believe that man can choose to do only that which his heart desires. But, we will never make the right choice until our heart is changed, and that will only happen when we brought to faith in Christ and place our trust in Him rather than ourselves.
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