He died for all to make all "His property."
Until He died for all?
Unbelievers were Satan's property.
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own
resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
He died for all, to remove the adoptive ownership by Satan to be transferred to Himself,
as to destroy what He owns, those who have chosen for themselves to be defective. Evil unrighteousness.
Other wise? When in the Lord's court?
They could blame Satan for what they will be condemned for.
grace and peace .............
You still didn't answer my question re John 17 and why in Jesus's High Priestly prayer he explicitly excluded the world for whom he allegedly died.
And you really meant to say, "He died for all to POTENTIALLY remove....", right? It's really up to man's "free" will decision as to whether or not he wants Christ to do that, isn't it?
I see you're still stuck on your Satan trip. First, you basically implied that Satan would stand divided against himself because he would take up the defense of sinners with God because they didn't get a fair shake. Now you flip that argument around to where sinners would blame Satan for that they will be condemned for. Cute.

But this argument is as lame as your first one.
Judas was possessed by the devil when he betrayed Jesus, yet afterwards he felt guilty, returned the money to the priests in the temple and confessed to them that he (not the devil within him!) had betrayed innocent blood (Mat 27:3-4).
Simon the Sorcerer, after being severely rebuked by Peter for wanting to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit from, did not contest Peter's charges against him, and in fact asked the apostle to pray for him so that nothing worse would happen to him (Act 8:9-24). Clearly, Simon knew he was guilty as charged!
A&E in the Garden knew they were guilty, since they ran and hid from God and tried to hide their shame with fig leaves; yet, both of them played the blame game when confronted by God, didn't they? They
knew they were guilty but didn't want to own it! So what? Does God judge by outward appearances (talk) or by what's in the heart? How many thousands upon thousands of people every day appear before some judge or magistrate and plead not guilty to the charges against them even they know they are guilty? This is what sinners commonly do! It's all part of being enslaved to their self-deceived hearts, so they just do what comes naturally and "freely" choose TO deny guilt because they prefer their freedom to a prison cell. (To their credit, at least they do understand that they can't be free and a prisoner simultaneously, as some around here believe.
Finally, God decreed in the Garden that mankind would consist of two kinds of seeds: The Seed of the Woman and the the Seed of the Serpent. And so it has always been and always will be. Saints and Sinners. Sheep and Goats. Elect and non-elect. Righteous and Unrighteous, Children of Light and Children of Darkness, etc.
Understand this: All men know they are sinners and,therefore, know they are guilty. All men know they
should have made better choices by virtue of that guilt. When A&E ran and hid from God, they knew in their heart of hearts that they
should not have eaten. They knew they
should have listened to God. They knew they
should have done better.
Should have done differently.
P.S. One more thing: All souls are God's property -- the elect and non-elect alike (Ezek 18:4)!