In venues like this, there are people who
do teach, or preach, pretty adamantly concerning the
keeping of the sabbath. These are the people that have been "classified", aka "labeled", as "Hebrew Roots!"
And rightly so, in my opinion. As Paul taught that "One day is as another." "Should one man observe (a) sabbath, say like one a thursday?" (paraphrasing here) "Or another man observe sabbath, on every other Tuesday?" That's
cool! Or? Should a man choose not to observe any sabbath at all? He
must be a workaholic!

No, just kidding!
Thing is God knows a man's heart, and its intentions!
What occurs is when people in the BDF? And, let's face it. "The world" in general, start
s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g these parameters in a
prejudging of anyone even
mentioning (God forbid!) the "law" as given to Moses, as "Hebrew Roots?"
The "what" they are showing, is how "soconian", and actually "human" their mindset is.