"For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
Context Matters:
I think you might be imbuing this word "division" with some particular ideas that aren't actually found in the context.
1.) In scripture, we must always look at the context.
2.) We cannot just arbitrarily say a SINGULAR WORD is referring to some particular issue, unless the context of the passage is actually referring that that issue.
3.) So is the passage in question (1Corinthians 3:1-5) addressing secondary doctrinal issue between brethren?
4.) No.
5.) The passage is about PRIDE, and the word "division" here, specifically refers to ENVY, STRIFE, and the underlying PRIDE.
6.) This passage is not about DOCTRINE, it is about ATTITUDE.
It isn't about well-meaning brethren disagreeing politely on doctrine; it is about people fighting because of underlying Pride.
7.) The "division" here is specifically referring to attitude, not doctrine.
8.) This verse has nothing to do with what we now call "Denominational Differences"... saved brethren disagreeing politely over secondary issues.
9.) This passage is not about doctrine, but attitude... pride, anger, envy... not doctrine.
10.) There are those who hold differences of secondary doctrine politely, and lovingly, and there are those who hold these differences with a great sense of anger and pride. This passage does not refer to these differences of opinion, but to the underlying attitudes.
1. This word "division" here DOES apply to any Christians who are full of PRIDE and ANGER... which some are.
2. This word "division" here simply DOES NOT, contextually, have anything to do with matters of secondary doctrine alone.
3. Regardless of your doctrine, and regardless of your denomination, this word "division" applies to you if you are full of ENVY, STRIFE and PRIDE... but it does NOT apply to you, regardless of your denomination, if you are NOT FULL OF ENVY, STRIFE and PRIDE
4. This passage is NOT about doctrinal differences AT ALL. It is specifically referring to certain ATTITUDES: the attitudes of ENVY, STRIFE and the underlying implication of PRIDE.
God Bless, and I hope you all have a great week.