FreeGrace2 said:
That one never believed. Judas did not lose salvation. He never had it. Proven by John 6:70,71.
70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”
71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)
Webers.Home said:
Judas wasn't a sheep. He was a "son of destruction" viz: Judas was assigned
to Jesus for a very different purpose than the other eleven guys.
"likely" doesn't do it. The verses are clear that he never believed. He was never saved.
btw, there is only ONE true interpretation of any text of Scripture. And I will RIGIDLY adhere to what the verse says.
He was "lost" in the sense of the fact that he was a disciple. That's all.
My "bias" is what Jesus taught very clearly in John 10:28. Those given eternal life shall never perish.
And in John 5:24 taught that those who believe POSSESS eternal life.
So, eternal security is promised from the MOMENT one believes.
That one never believed. Judas did not lose salvation. He never had it. Proven by John 6:70,71.
70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”
71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)
Webers.Home said:
Judas wasn't a sheep. He was a "son of destruction" viz: Judas was assigned
to Jesus for a very different purpose than the other eleven guys.
Here is a clear example of putting one's doctrinal preconceptions into use when interpreting Scripture.
If you look carefully at my post 1203 I suggest that Judas likely never was "saved" to begin with
If you look carefully at my post 1203 I suggest that Judas likely never was "saved" to begin with
but not believing in OSAS I do not need to impose my doctrine onto a rigid interpretation of the text.
I simply leave it like Scripture does: Jesus lost him (whether on not he was "saved" to begin with does not really matter).
But I quickly had two OSAS believers quickly respond to "prove" that Judas was never a sheep to begin with. They use Scriptures that to them prove their point, yet these Scriptures do not directly say that (my opinion
Point being this: when you come to a Scripture with a prior doctrinal bias to defend, you must interpret any Scripture in such a way as to keep your doctrine intact.
Point being this: when you come to a Scripture with a prior doctrinal bias to defend, you must interpret any Scripture in such a way as to keep your doctrine intact.
And in John 5:24 taught that those who believe POSSESS eternal life.
So, eternal security is promised from the MOMENT one believes.