Sinners are no longer under the penalty of sins before God due to the fact that Jesus took away the sins of the World . A believer cannot go to hell because he has recieved Jesus and will be glorified. A unbeliever who does not recieve Jesus will not be glorified and the consequence of not believing is hell . Because they refuse to believe the truth so as to be saved.
I am going to be honest with you people and share my actual perspective on this. I’m an addict. I used to drink beer after work and I blocked out my personality. I had no personality, eat work sleep and repeat. My youth played part but I won’t be that personal. I used to pray to God but I never obeyed God. Because if I had obeyed God I would have dealt with all my problems sober and with the help of a good community. They were there, I just thought I could do it all in my own strenght. Not going to church and face out what you don’t want to hear is imho doing it in your own strength.
Long story short I got touched by our Lord Jesus Christ and from that moment on I have no drinking problem anymore. And I mean absolutely none, I can walk buy alcohol in a store and feel no urge, we go out for a drink or diner and I have no urge for alcohol. He placed something in me that overcame all my past and current problems at that day. It was a genuine experience which humbled me in an instant. I was a narcistic alcohol so I was a really bad person. A sinner. That sin is cured by repenting of it and obeying His word now.
But as I get deeper and deeper into our Biblical perspective and try to get closer to God, I see the world now through another set of glasses. I truly see our fallen nature and I mean this in general. The way we live as human beings (mass consumpion and throw away-society - products don’t last that long anymore) is not in His image anymore. We are hypnotized by a reality that is not something we are born from. There is a background noise shaping each individual from birth to take all this for normal. While that what is normal is that what is causing all tribulations.
For intsance. The way we live causes famine and viruses. What does humanity do? They invent a vaccin to make us immune for the disease and carry on with business as usual. We can‘T do this forever and it will backlash.