Peter is comparing the passing away of the 1st world through flood and is saying the current world is also reserved for fire. Not sure if the fire would be physical but the main thing is that the flood was global (not in Jerusalem only) and so the fire reserved for the ungodly today, whether physical or not, shall be global (means every ungodly men will be affected), not just the ungodly in Jerusalem.
The "elements" mentioned in 2 Peter 3:10&12 is the Greek word "Stoichea". It's used 7 times in the NT (Gal 4:3&9, Col 2:8&20, 2 Peter 3:10&12 and Heb 5:12). Do a word study on it. It is not the periodic table of elements. It is referring to the Mosaic Law. Peter is using apocalyptic language in 2 Peter 3:10-13 to describe the end of the Law and old covenant Israel. That's why Peter also mentions the scoffers of the last days in that chapter which is a reference to the unbelieving Jews mocking the Christians that He would actually come back. But God was patient not wanting any of the Jews to perish in the city (2 Peter 3:9). But that patience was to wear out soon (2 peter 3:10).
But you are mainly wrong about the 70AD events because it is the ungodly men (Romans) that dished the punishment to Godly men in Jerusalem. The disciples of Jesus were also affected.
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