The first statistical survey ever written in the field of sociology was a book called On Suicide by Emile Durkheim. Sociology is the beginning of perspectivism and is to the proper name Socrates and Psychology is to the proper name Penelope, both Homeric Greeks. Durkheim attempts to explain individual motives by suicide case, and then graphs within the suicide verdict by cause.
What the study does is to remove the facts of the legal and community environment from the investigation of the cause of death, the sociological study is an excuse for ruling bullying cases, harassment cases, and third-party court harassment cases suicide, when in fact someone else was the cause of death.
This fact has entered common legal parlance, the person confessed and hanged himself during cross examination on the witness stand, and the police investigate certain crimes in a lazies faire economic mode ("we'll just let the IRS audit the gangsters instead of investigating the forensically unconnected shootings of their neighbors).
In other words, there are real suicides (Kurt Cobain shot himself in the head, for example) and then there are deaths by judicial malfeasance ruled "suicidal" because the person just wouldn't "play the game", "get with the program", or vote the way they were told to or whatever.
What the study does is to remove the facts of the legal and community environment from the investigation of the cause of death, the sociological study is an excuse for ruling bullying cases, harassment cases, and third-party court harassment cases suicide, when in fact someone else was the cause of death.
This fact has entered common legal parlance, the person confessed and hanged himself during cross examination on the witness stand, and the police investigate certain crimes in a lazies faire economic mode ("we'll just let the IRS audit the gangsters instead of investigating the forensically unconnected shootings of their neighbors).
In other words, there are real suicides (Kurt Cobain shot himself in the head, for example) and then there are deaths by judicial malfeasance ruled "suicidal" because the person just wouldn't "play the game", "get with the program", or vote the way they were told to or whatever.
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