Actually the book of acts and the things done it in are not done away with. I mean true you don't see tongues of flames on anyones heads but since when was seeing believing when it come to God? I may not not be
exactly drawn to the idea of laying of hands but I wouldn't limit God either. I mean true enough I have never seen it work but I still believe in it not because I have seen or experienced but because of what I know of God himself. I understand you are very much opposed to pentacostal but I wouldn't limit your understanding simply because you oppose the idea. I mean I am not pentecostal but have had many supernatural expereinces especially with fire. I also do not agree with the Catholic church but because I had a willing heart I learned a great deal from a catholic friend of mine. God can and will use anything and anyone to teach us if we have a teachable heart but that would require for us to not blind ourselves simply because we disagree with something
exactly drawn to the idea of laying of hands but I wouldn't limit God either. I mean true enough I have never seen it work but I still believe in it not because I have seen or experienced but because of what I know of God himself. I understand you are very much opposed to pentacostal but I wouldn't limit your understanding simply because you oppose the idea. I mean I am not pentecostal but have had many supernatural expereinces especially with fire. I also do not agree with the Catholic church but because I had a willing heart I learned a great deal from a catholic friend of mine. God can and will use anything and anyone to teach us if we have a teachable heart but that would require for us to not blind ourselves simply because we disagree with something
Secondly, I do believe that Acts was a transitional period and that the genre of the book is historical narrative. Therefore, we must decide whether a particular event was related specifically to a recorded event, or was it to be considered normative for all Christians at every time frame. I used the example of the tongues of fire. Obviously, you agree that tongues of fire do not come down on the heads of believers today (although I have heard some charismatics claim they experienced this).
Thirdly, why are you not drawn to the idea that laying on of hands is a normative practice, if you believe that Acts is normative? The reality is that you don't believe that Acts is normative, if you deny that tongues of fire land on peoples' heads today, and that salvation always involves laying on of hands...the real issue, apparently, is that you want to claim that certain events are normative, and other events are not, but you want to decide what is normative and what is not normative.
Maybe you'd like to describe your experiences involving fire. That would be interesting.
By the way, I don't blind myself to things. I specifically asked God to give me the gift of languages if it was real. I did this, not because I think it is is real, but because I wanted to be humbled if it was, in fact, real. And, he did not respond by giving me this gift of languages. That is one of many reasons why I think the current charismatic understanding of it is bogus.
Of course, the charismatic will explain away why God didn't give me this gift of babbling, but I don't accept his explanation. I specifically asked for it, so I would be humbled if my position was incorrect. He can claim all he wants to claim. I suspect most of them were indoctrinated into their view from childhood, or received it from some trusted friend. Perhaps they were saved while attending a charismatic church, and that is why they believe it.
At any rate, I asked for the gift of languages, with the intention that I would be humbled if I received it, yet God did not respond by giving me this gift of languages. Therefore, my conclusion is that the current charismatic claims regarding this gift are bogus.
I don't think their view is correct in this regard. I am willing to admit I am wrong if God gives me this gift and it corresponds to their claims, but i won't be convinced by them. I don't find the vast majority of them to be credible. Most of them are immature believers who also believe other false things and display their weirdness in many different ways.
Additionally, I am not looking for signs to validate my faith. I already know Christianity is true through other means. I don't need to babble in tongues in order to have my faith confirmed. God has already given me absolute assurance that he exists, and that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and was resurrected the third day for my justification. Therefore, I am not desiring external evidences to "prove" that my faith is valid. I think that is what most charismatics want..some external evidence for their faith, outside of the clear teaching of Scripture and the clear witness of the Holy Spirit.
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