What she IS saying (or asking) is that those who have attacked her and accused her of things she did not say -- those folks are unsaved.
Later in my response to you, I confessed that I didn't like the conclusion I was beginning to draw that this might be the case...and you reassured me that it wasn't quite as bad as I was seeing it. Pretty bad, but not as bad as my developing conclusion.
I hope you can see in my response to 3score above that there is a reason for my distress over this subject, and it is because many ARE going to perish unless they are born again of the Spirit. When God gives us freely all these things that accompany salvation and demonstrate the presence of the Spirit, I can't understand why anyone would refuse them, particularly since they come from the Comforter Himself....and therefore would give them COMFORT, and that of the eternal variety.
We cannot show any fruit of the Spirit or receive any gift of the Spirit unless we are born again...because if we are not born again we are still in the flesh.