So you are a psychologist? or a psychiatrist? a therapist? or maybe a counsellor? you at least have a degree in psychology? or is this your understanding of how things work because of your observations? As someone who has dealt with adults who were brought up with the very parental actions your speaking about, it wasn't good for those people and it didn't work, it only made them doubt themselves in many areas of their lives. The only way to conquer any fear, is to face it, not convince yourself it was never there because that is just a lie. Truth is the only thing that sets people free, lies and deceit, deceiving ourselves through rational thinking only buries the truth. It's better to face any fear and gain power over it when you realize that it was never that scary then trying to combat irrational fears and thoughts with rational thinking.
Maybe conquer fears by convincing yourself they arent rational or reasonible or worthy of your time, or that what ever must be done must ne done regardless not giving creedence to those fears.