The book of John shows how to know you have eternal life. Know you have faith . .. and that is by believing Jesus is God, that He lived sinless... that He died and rose again. That by entrusting eternal life Him you are saved.
So you won't know because you are good or do good works..but because you believed in Jesus.
Faith though is a gift of the Holy Spirit.. along with hope and love. Because for a saved person they are supernaturally empowered by Jesus in the believers walk with Him.
Faith, hope and love trump all other gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I believe the sign and ministry gifts were for the apostles who have passed..and we have the completed Word for our guide. The Holy Spirit prompting us thru our reliance on the Word. So no need for tongues .. gift of knowledge.. prophecy etc.
But if you are going to believe all the gifts are for today.. then they must work as the Bible has them.. by those standards. The Corinthians were abusing the gifts .. and shouldn't be an example to follow .
So you won't know because you are good or do good works..but because you believed in Jesus.
Faith though is a gift of the Holy Spirit.. along with hope and love. Because for a saved person they are supernaturally empowered by Jesus in the believers walk with Him.
Faith, hope and love trump all other gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I believe the sign and ministry gifts were for the apostles who have passed..and we have the completed Word for our guide. The Holy Spirit prompting us thru our reliance on the Word. So no need for tongues .. gift of knowledge.. prophecy etc.
But if you are going to believe all the gifts are for today.. then they must work as the Bible has them.. by those standards. The Corinthians were abusing the gifts .. and shouldn't be an example to follow .
It's a daily renewing of the mind where you sit in silence with the holy spirit, in hope where your faith grows. I find a simple prayer like how can I please you today lord and can you guide my steps works for me in faith. then I sit in silence and I get revalations, I learned this from Angus Buchan.
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