Nope, he, Steven Lawson is preaching God's truth.
The content of the video is encouraging, it practices 2 Timothy 3 and 4 of reproving and rebuking, something people who can't handle sound doctrine loathe, and is good content. If you can't handle exposing false teachers, false teachings, and following Scriptural instruction, then don't read my threads because they will offend you.
because you say so
got it
of course with a handle like preacherfortruth we can all just take your word for it
the thing is, the actual thing, is that you in all your super duper truth, cannot handle anyone saying wait a minute there
I can handle more then you any day of the week and twice on the week-ends
it's not really your thread though, is it. it's actually the thread of one Steve Lawson. you are just parroting
the Bible is not your personal passport to telling everyone else how righteous what you believe is and if the rest of us want to get to heaven, we need to emulate you
do you have the slightest idea how tiresome and repetitious and backed into a corner of your own making you sound with what you write?
sound doctrine is not sound because you say so
you are not the measuring stick for sound doctrine
you are just another finger pointer who gets his jollies by tearing other people down and calling it the gospel
this amateur posturing that is done, this calling others names, saying they have itching ears, saying they don't love the truth, is a very tired old soapbox that is used over and over again on forums that appear to sustain a Christian audience all over the world
it has become like an old rooster then just can't quite crow as loud as he used to but still has to thump his chest
the audience is dwindling as people seek God and realize they need His Spirit to lead them and not some stuffed shirt of a preacher who makes his living, not by preaching Jesus and life, but by preaching words flung like spears at people he does not even know