People say, 'Oh, but there is a capital G!' That makes evil a little more pronounced. See, JHVH created all good in the Garden of Eden. In 2 stages, we (pre-man) were cast out. The 1st stage, we (pre-man) were still in the presence of JHVH. The 2nd stage, we (learning to be manly) were cast away from the presence into total uncivility. JHVH just let nature take care of us since the creation of mortals wanted to have visibility. There is something about the statement in the bible about Woman being the first deceived. How, you ask?
Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
The visibility did it. The seeing causing a desire.
But, JHVH caused the tree to grow, why? There had to a purpose because because JHVH does not tempt. What was that purpose? What did JHVH name the tree? 'The tree of knowledge of good and evil.'
There was created inside the Garden something that the woman could understand. When this something that was on the tree communicated with the woman, the woman communicated back an extra command that JHVH did not relay to the created man. The command was 'neither shall ye touch it.' The word 'touch,' in that context could mean desire.
A person has to study very much to gain the knowledge of why fruits and vegetables and herbs are so beneficial to the person who consumes them. The communication from the tree came that 'Dieing you will not die.' Or it is written 'You will not surely die.' In other words, 'You will not fully die you will be like the gods knowing good and evil.'
If that was an animal communicating with the woman, the god to that animal was another animal. The God to the serpent was the grand serpent. That is exactly what has happened.
Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
The visibility did it. The seeing causing a desire.
But, JHVH caused the tree to grow, why? There had to a purpose because because JHVH does not tempt. What was that purpose? What did JHVH name the tree? 'The tree of knowledge of good and evil.'
There was created inside the Garden something that the woman could understand. When this something that was on the tree communicated with the woman, the woman communicated back an extra command that JHVH did not relay to the created man. The command was 'neither shall ye touch it.' The word 'touch,' in that context could mean desire.
A person has to study very much to gain the knowledge of why fruits and vegetables and herbs are so beneficial to the person who consumes them. The communication from the tree came that 'Dieing you will not die.' Or it is written 'You will not surely die.' In other words, 'You will not fully die you will be like the gods knowing good and evil.'
If that was an animal communicating with the woman, the god to that animal was another animal. The God to the serpent was the grand serpent. That is exactly what has happened.