except the inconvenient fact that Sabbath worship is not commanded in the N.T. for gentile believers. Acts 15 does not list Sabbath keeping in the instructions to gentiles. then in Acts 16 v.4, Paul and Timothy were said to be delivering the instructions to the gentile churches. these instructions did not include Sabbath.
so. by your definition, Paul and Timothy were spreading sin, since they were not telling gentiles to keep the Sabbath.
so. by your definition, Paul and Timothy were spreading sin, since they were not telling gentiles to keep the Sabbath.
Jesus did not teach that it is lawful to do GOOD on the Sabbath? (Matt 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56)
Jesus in your view did not teach that God's Sabbath was made for man kind and not man for the Sabbath rebuking the tradtions of the Jew in regards to their interpretation around Sabbath keeping? (Mark 2:27-28; Matthew 12:8)
Jesus in your view, did not teach that he was the maker and creator of the Sabbath and the God of creation? (Hebrews 1:2; John 1:1-3; 14; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16-17; Mark 2:27)
Jesus in your view is not our example who kept the Sabbath as well as all those who followed him (Matt 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56; John 2:6; Matt 16:24; Acts 13:14; 13:27; 13:44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4; Rev 1:10)
It is hard to see when your eyes are closed.
In your view Jesus was lying when he said those that break God's Commandments and teach others to do so will not enter God's Kingdom?
In your view Jesus was lying when he said not a jot or tittle will pass from God's LAW until heaven and earth pass away? Now we havent even started on the Aposltes then again if you do not BELIEVE Jesus how will you BELIEVE his discples?
It seems you believe Jesus and the Apostles are all lying and the Bible is not true?
You teach others to brake God's Commandments this is something Jesus and the Apostles NEVER did.
Those who do such things do not enter into God's KINGDOM. This is sad for you my friend. Jesus is calling you my friend but you do not hear him. When your lamp has gone out how can you find your way when the road is dark and narrow is the way? God's Sheep hear his Voice.
In times of ignorance God winks at but now ,<when a KNOWLEDGE of the truth has come> calls all men everywhere to REPENT (FOLLOW) (Acts 17:30-31).
There is not one scripture in all of God's Word that says that God's 4th Commandment is now ABOLISHED and we are now commanded to KEEP Sunday as a Holy day.
God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)
Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has lead many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)
Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?
May God bless you as you seek him through His Word.
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