You are saying something that clicks so much. It would be a couple screens full I'd not put on a message board, to just summarize the progression of life from childhood to young adulthood, that culminated in the strangest of experiences that really woke me up, and what followed. People who say, "If you're saved, you know the date and the time you were saved!", don't have a clue what they're talking about, how the salvation experience and walk with God, the progressive sanctification process, differs widely among individuals, has everything to do with an individual environment. (Neither do they seem to realize some of us weren't necessarily paying attention to dates and times, at various places in our lives, like who cares what day it is, when out of school for the summer? Or understand there were those of us who believed as children, only remembering a little of this, without any depth of doctrinal understanding, but was that unsaved?)
I wondered than one strong experience of reawakening wasn't the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but also had a sublime peace and believed, in the period I was water baptized, years earlier, coming to the conclusion some of us have developed in stages, I believe of the Spirit, all along, that God seems to find us at a place where He deems it time we're mature enough for adult schooling in the Spirit, and this at different times in peoples' testimonies. But I like your spiritually honest expression, "prodigal all my life." In terms of God's standard, perfection, this side of glory, we are all prodigals, in varying degrees, all our lives. I'd not worry about being a human, brother, just keep loving the Lord, doing your best as God gives you, praying and thinking "just a closer walk with thee." I simply know God was always there in my life, whether I was always there doesn't seem to be data of great importance, in eternity. And we don't need anybody else to tell us of the salvation experience we live and know. My Christianity was resolved, long before message boards, thank you.