There's no doubt in my mind that God speaks to people. Even those who may or may not be saved. The following is one of many testimonies that I posted in the "Dreamers & Visionaries" Chat group where I believe the Lord made Hid presence felt in my life at a point and time when I truly needed Him to do so.
About 8 years or so ago, I was facing major surgery due to complications of having Crohn's Disease (an intestinal disorder). Anyhow, at the time I was a smoker and the doctors suggested that I quit smoking because it only complicated matters and they prescribed a very mild anti-depressant (Welbutrin) which was supposed to take "the edge" off of any future cravings. However after taking the medication for a couple of days I began to have severe anxiety / panic attacks as a result (which I never had before or since discontinuing taking the medication).
To make a long story short...
One day, as I was getting ready for a doctor's appointment (which I already knew was not going to go well due to complications I was having), I began to shake from the inside out and could not hold back my tears. Fortunately, my mother was here at the time and, from her own experiences, recognized that I was having a rather large anxiety / panic attack. I had just gotten a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom when it happened...
When I first heard the audible voice I had to cling to my bathroom sink to keep from falling on my face because it was so... I would not say loud per say.. a better word would be "consuming" because it was the only thing I could focus on. Like all of my senses had been completely turned off.
The voice spoke: "I can heal you, I can give you your heart's desire (a family of my own), and I can take you away from this place (I never really liked the area I lived *lol*), but first you must decide to live for me."
At first I was terrified and nearly hit the floor. I had never experienced any like this before or since (at least in this manner). However, after hearing what the voice had to say, I didn't know what to think. Was it God or was I losing my mind? I was so confused.
Seeing as it was almost time for my doctors appointment, I collected myself to the best of my ability and climbed into the shower.. only for the voice to reappear. Again the voice was so... consuming... that I got down on my hands and knees because I was afraid that if I continued to stand that I might lose my balance and slip in the shower.
The voice continued but in a very loving and encouraging way: "I have work for you to do, you shall do it but first, I must show you some things." The voice paused briefly, just long enough for me to collect myself yet again.
Then the voice continued: "I will not put anything on you that you can not bare.... Now get up and get yourself ready (for my doctor's appointment)."
Here's the really strange part. When the voice finally disappeared, it took all of the panic, anxiety, and fear that I had been feeling almost all day with it. Mind you I was still a little shaken up however, I took my shower and actually drove myself to my doctor's appointment (which I could not have done in the emotional state I was in before the voice began to speak).
I heard the voice one more time, but not nearly as "consuming", as I was about to be rolled in for my final surgery several weeks later. Basically the voice told me not be afraid and that everything was going to be ok. Anyhow, I went through with the surgery and I've been in good pretty good health ever since.
In ending, was the voice from God? Absolutely! No one can convince me otherwise. Of course there are some who would say that the voice was most likely a figment of my imagination, induced by the medication. However, if this were true, then how can one explain why the attacks I were having
ceased when the voice clearly told me to get up and get ready for my doctor's appointment?
Also, even though I had probably hit rock bottom at that point and time in my life... Why wouldn't God show up when a person has reached his or her lowest point? Personally I can't think of a better time in someone's life for Him to make Himself known!