WB: My position on this issue - unlike that of certain others who base their view on a 'blinkered' understanding of Hell, Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna and which you haven't addressed - is not restricted to just that aspect but is of a wider scope.
I share the views articulated in this article which I am yet again referencing and which no-one in this forum has even attempted to rebut on a point-by-point basis.
I share the views articulated in this article which I am yet again referencing and which no-one in this forum has even attempted to rebut on a point-by-point basis.
The only thing I can say, is this guy is either severally confused or is nothing more than a "Humanist". A philosopher of humanistic thinking. He should be told the following: Isa_55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah.
He has no concept of what eternal life is because he does not understand those passages that are "Positional" versus those that are "Conditional".
He quotes from Revelation: "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name" (Rev. 14:11). Then gives a ludicrous explanation from a so-called Dr. Edward Fudge, who says the smoke that rises up, is from the annihilation of those in torment. Which he says goes on for an undisclosed period of time but certainly not forever. This proves two things. One, he doesn't understand how "smoke" is being used in Scripture and Two, he is making unbelievable leaps in interpretation without any proof.
If the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, (A phrase used often in Scripture, to mean forever or an ageless amount of time), how can one try and limit it? If those who are being tormented, are only tormented for a period of time, then where is the forever smoke coming from if everyone has been annihilated? Fire and smoke goes out when there is no more fuel. (I speak foolishly here, like a humanist.). The verse also says: "they have no rest day and night". Again, where does one see an end to this kind of continuous statement?
Perhaps, the most telling paragraph was this one:
The church's longstanding belief in the eternal torture model of Hell has naturally prompted many to ask the logical question "Why would a just God feel the need to punish us so severely?" In other words, "What has any human being ever done that could possibly deserve such a harsh sentence? How can anyone say that there even exists such a crime as to merit this type of punishment?"
This kind of question is not entertained by true believers. They understand that their God is a Just God and He is a Sovereign God over His Creation. We can never know the heights of His Holiness. Mortal man cannot understand the depths of sin as God knows it. However, Mr. Moritz proves he doesn't understand the basic nature of sin. He proves in the above paragraph, that he does not understand the true heinousness of sin. The heavenly Father, had to put his Holy Son to death, to pay for it's heinous nature which had infected creation. It gets no more heinous than that.
So again: "What has any human being ever done that could possibly deserve such a harsh sentence? They killed the Son of the living God!!!!!!
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