14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
If you run this backwards, from the position of reaching the lost, you get
Step 1. Be sent.
"Sent" is the word apostellō. It should look familiar as it is the verb form of the noun "apostle", apostolos.
So, if one is apostellō (sent) they are an apostolos (one who is sent). It really is that simple. Being an apostle does not infer some special privilege in the church, some kind of rank. The church is an organic Body built upon relationships, not institutional positions. The idea that church leaders and rule from afar with no connection to the people came out of the Roman government.
For example, Paul knew the people to whom he was sent. By the time he's writing letters to them he is well-acquainted with the people and their lives. Same thing with Peter and John: they're writing to people whom they know: even calling them their children in the Lord ("my children"). This is not a passing familiarity. This is one based on time and trust; investing their lives into the people they serve.
Why is it this way? Because that's the way Jesus lived His life: He had 12 who were the closest to Him. He lived with them for 3 years. He knew them all. The gospel to His disciples was first witnessed in Jesus' character, then in power, and then in word and deed.
If you want to be a witness of the Lord and His gospel, first submit to the Lord in all your ways. This will be an undeniable witness wherever you are. By that, you are sharing the good news with others. Some will eventually ask "How can you be so calm?" or "How did you know what to do?" Always be ready to give an answer.
If you want to preach, you'll have to wait to be sent. For Paul, that took over 13 years of "training".
Don't preach unless you're sent.
I'm 51. When I was 49 I was sitting in a room full of professionals. They were wringing their hands over a certain issue with which I had experience. But, among them, I was new.
So, I just sat quietly, listening to their discussion. I had answers to their questions but no one was asking me.
Then, one person said "Hey, doesn't Aaron56 (not my real name) have experience here?" All eyes were on me then. After I let the room go quiet I asked "What would you like to know?"
What came out of that was a seminar for that group. What came out of THAT was traveling throughout the state of Ohio for a dozen similar seminars, talking with C-suite level men and women in private, public and government offices, sharing the gospel at the level they can understand. My next seminar is this Saturday in Cincinnati.
Sure, I knew all the information about the gospel, but I did not have the wisdom that came from putting knowledge into practice. Books can be sent through the mail. People who are sent by God must be released and sent by the Spirit, usually confirmed by other believers who walk in the Spirit.
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
If you run this backwards, from the position of reaching the lost, you get
Step 1. Be sent.
"Sent" is the word apostellō. It should look familiar as it is the verb form of the noun "apostle", apostolos.
So, if one is apostellō (sent) they are an apostolos (one who is sent). It really is that simple. Being an apostle does not infer some special privilege in the church, some kind of rank. The church is an organic Body built upon relationships, not institutional positions. The idea that church leaders and rule from afar with no connection to the people came out of the Roman government.
For example, Paul knew the people to whom he was sent. By the time he's writing letters to them he is well-acquainted with the people and their lives. Same thing with Peter and John: they're writing to people whom they know: even calling them their children in the Lord ("my children"). This is not a passing familiarity. This is one based on time and trust; investing their lives into the people they serve.
Why is it this way? Because that's the way Jesus lived His life: He had 12 who were the closest to Him. He lived with them for 3 years. He knew them all. The gospel to His disciples was first witnessed in Jesus' character, then in power, and then in word and deed.
If you want to be a witness of the Lord and His gospel, first submit to the Lord in all your ways. This will be an undeniable witness wherever you are. By that, you are sharing the good news with others. Some will eventually ask "How can you be so calm?" or "How did you know what to do?" Always be ready to give an answer.
If you want to preach, you'll have to wait to be sent. For Paul, that took over 13 years of "training".
Don't preach unless you're sent.
I'm 51. When I was 49 I was sitting in a room full of professionals. They were wringing their hands over a certain issue with which I had experience. But, among them, I was new.
So, I just sat quietly, listening to their discussion. I had answers to their questions but no one was asking me.
Then, one person said "Hey, doesn't Aaron56 (not my real name) have experience here?" All eyes were on me then. After I let the room go quiet I asked "What would you like to know?"
What came out of that was a seminar for that group. What came out of THAT was traveling throughout the state of Ohio for a dozen similar seminars, talking with C-suite level men and women in private, public and government offices, sharing the gospel at the level they can understand. My next seminar is this Saturday in Cincinnati.
Sure, I knew all the information about the gospel, but I did not have the wisdom that came from putting knowledge into practice. Books can be sent through the mail. People who are sent by God must be released and sent by the Spirit, usually confirmed by other believers who walk in the Spirit.
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