● Col 2:9 . . For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
The Greek word translated "Godhead" means divinity. But seeing as how it's
modified with the little Greek article teés, then what we're looking at here is
"the" divinity rather than nondescript divinity.
Well; when the Greek text puts it like that, then we must concede that in
Christ dwells all the fullness of Jehovah's divinity bodily.
Webster's defines "divinity" as the quality, or state, of being divine. Well
seeing as Christ is filled with all the fullness of Jehovah's divinity, then I'd
have to say that Christ is just as divine as Jehovah.
● Col 2:9 . . For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
The Greek word translated "Godhead" means divinity. But seeing as how it's
modified with the little Greek article teés, then what we're looking at here is
"the" divinity rather than nondescript divinity.
Well; when the Greek text puts it like that, then we must concede that in
Christ dwells all the fullness of Jehovah's divinity bodily.
Webster's defines "divinity" as the quality, or state, of being divine. Well
seeing as Christ is filled with all the fullness of Jehovah's divinity, then I'd
have to say that Christ is just as divine as Jehovah.
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