Not after the Canadian truckers Freedom Convoy. Are you following the true reporting or listening to the nonsense and smears put out by the lying media? American Ron Paul says "We are all Canadian truckers now!"
Somebody tell me I'm wrong. The historic parallels are indisputable. And extremely dangerous for these peaceful legitimate protesters.
Fortunately....the tide has turned. Quebec is standing down, so is Alberta, Saskatchewan. Doug Ford better get on board or his political career is over.
This was not citizens attempting to overthrow government. This is government overthrowing the people. These Liberal/NDP nutters were ready to invoke a nationwide state of emergency and assume dictatorial powers. This in fact has been on the agenda all along IMO. Marching orders from Klaus Schwab. Who has declared in no uncertain terms that he has "penetrated 50% of the Liberal cabinet...."
The Canadian government has been infiltrated by the WEF/globalists. See for yourself.
Trudeau openly brags about bribing CBC with $600 million in taxpayer money to create his own Liberal Party propaganda organ. Yep....he said that alright...
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