My experience went the exact opposite way
I used to "speak in tongues" and was often swept away by the emotional response that it invoked. I was told that if I didn't speak in tongues, that I wasn't indwelled or baptized in the Holy Spirit. That is just a misleading bold faced lie.
I have since learned that it can be used by the enemy, because we clearly do not understand what we are saying, or to whom we might be saying it.
So I studied the scriptures to gain a better understanding of it, and was quite shocked by what the Gift of Tongues actually is, and that it wasn't the babbling noises that I was making thinking that it could move the hand of God.
The modern manifestation of tongues that we often hear in some churches is really just a twisting of the scriptures and a misunderstanding of what actually happened during the Pentecost described by Luke in the Book of Acts.
My questions are as follows.
Why would God need or want us to speak in a mysterious spirit language that no-one can understand, when he can and does clearly communicate with us in our native tongue/language?
How is my salvation (the life breathed into me by the Holy Spirit) indicated or shown by my ability, or lack of ability to speak in this language?
How does speaking in tongues get me to some different level of spiritual communication, when I already have been given everything I need for life and godliness? (the Holy Spirit that dwells in me)
I believe the modern version of speaking in tongues is very close to mysticism and pagan ritualism and not the "language" of the Holy Spirit.
The gift of tongues was a miracle of God done at the Pentecost so that everyone totally understood what was being said and to clearly show what God was actually accomplishing. So that there was no misunderstanding. That was the miracle. They were all able to understand each others language as their own.
It was a gift of language or translation. The word tongues has just been used to give it some vague connotation that was not intended by the writer of Acts.
I do not doubt that if God wanted to use this miracle any time he wants, He could, but that miracle is NOT what I was doing before I was led to understand it more deeply and fully.
I know this is a hotly debated subject in the church, and I am sure this thread will get really heated and we will see lots of varying opinions, but I have my opinion on this subject. So I guess I will get some popcorn and watch for the responses
