Brothers and sisters,
I doubt most who believe in the pre-trib rapture are hateful or necessarily twisting the scriptures to fit their narrative. It's a doctrine of convenience, not of malice. I've posted the clear origin of the doctrine, and showed that it was a cash-cow, so, therefore, it was supported by a large, influential denomination and became a mainstream teaching in our lifetime. If it is not clear to them who read the op it will never be clear.
The warnings are apparent from scripture regarding teaching false doctrine. However, I doubt most on here are teachers. To their benefit, God has not given them this grace (no matter how long they claim to have studied this topic), so they are not held to such a high standard.
So, simply let them go. They're not going to hear you any way. Don't waste your time with them. It's quite likely they have no idea how to be prepared for the tribulations that are to come upon the earth. For this, at best they can hope for a quick and painless death so they might be with the Lord when their bodies fail.
For those whose eyes are opened: prepare yourselves and prepare your house. God is not coming back just for anything. He is coming back for a Bride who has made herself ready. Now is the time to know the Father, the One true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent; this is the Biblical definition of eternal life.
I commend you to the Lord,
I doubt most who believe in the pre-trib rapture are hateful or necessarily twisting the scriptures to fit their narrative. It's a doctrine of convenience, not of malice. I've posted the clear origin of the doctrine, and showed that it was a cash-cow, so, therefore, it was supported by a large, influential denomination and became a mainstream teaching in our lifetime. If it is not clear to them who read the op it will never be clear.
The warnings are apparent from scripture regarding teaching false doctrine. However, I doubt most on here are teachers. To their benefit, God has not given them this grace (no matter how long they claim to have studied this topic), so they are not held to such a high standard.
So, simply let them go. They're not going to hear you any way. Don't waste your time with them. It's quite likely they have no idea how to be prepared for the tribulations that are to come upon the earth. For this, at best they can hope for a quick and painless death so they might be with the Lord when their bodies fail.
For those whose eyes are opened: prepare yourselves and prepare your house. God is not coming back just for anything. He is coming back for a Bride who has made herself ready. Now is the time to know the Father, the One true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent; this is the Biblical definition of eternal life.
I commend you to the Lord,
I always recommend do not take anyone's word Please go and pray and seek the answer or what has been said is true.
You have said great truth
Thank you
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