In New Testament times, nothing you eat is religiously wrong. God Himself prophesied that there would come a day when we can eat anything that moves along the ground just the same as we eat the green herb. This is found in Genesis 9:3. In Peter's vision, a blanket was lowered holding pigs and other 'unclean' animals. God encouraged him to kill and eat, but Peter said he never ate anything unclean in his life. (Acts chapter 10).
Then God said not to call anything unclean that He has made clean. Clean meaning not religiously wrong. It is now ok to eat pork (bacon, sausage, ham). And it is now ok for other nationalities (Gentiles) to become God's people. Because in the Old Testament things had to be done physically, but those same things are now done spiritually.
So, for example, God's people were so by physical means (Israelites from Jacob whose name was changed to Israel), but are now of any nationality, whether rich or poor, male or female, slave or free.
Also, as God's people, we are to feed off of what's good- such as the bible- anything that is true, noble, good, praiseworthy, etc. But if we spiritually feed off of garbage such as horror movies, romance novels that are really porn, it's like living in Old Testament times and feeding off of pigs. You see, there was nothing ever wrong with pigs, but it was wrong to disobey God when He said not to eat it. We know now His reason was because the spiritual things in the New Testament had to have a physical example in the Old Testament.
Jesus says it is not what goes in you that makes you unclean, but what comes out. It other words, it is the spiritual things that come out- such as lust, envy, rage, and evil plans.
Just like the globe represents the earth, but is not the earth, pigs used to represent wrong, but are not wrong. And we no longer are under those physical representations. Just like we no longer sacrifice a perfect lamb for sin, we now have the real thing- the Lamb of God. The Old Testament lamb never washed away sins, but obedience to God is what saves, for whoever obeys Him will be covered by Christ's blood.
So to not eat pork today, for religious reasons, is like covering yourself physically with the blood of a physical lamb, in an attempt to wash away your sins. It is no longer needed to obey God, and it never worked anyways.