If a biblical number I have been seeing, basically means the same thing as my previous prophecy, is God confirming my previous prophecy through the biblical number's meaning He is showing me? And does it mean that this number truly has this meaning in the bible?
You do not need to have knowledge of biblical numbers to answer this, knowledge of the Bible and how God operates is needed.
You do not need to have knowledge of biblical numbers to answer this, knowledge of the Bible and how God operates is needed.
First, let me explain I do know that certain numbers in the Bible have special meaning. Such as 7 being the number of perfection, 3 for the Trinity and days in the tomb before the Resurrection, 12 for the tribes of Israel and the disciples, and to a lesser extent 40 years in the wilderness for the Israelites and 40 days of Jesus fasting & temptation in the wilderness. These are well documented, I have no issues with them.
But individuals who started seeing repeated numbers around them, particularly interpreting them as coming from God, where no one else sees them, are suffering from a type of mental illness called psychosis. Schizophrenia is the usual diagnosis, although some types of bipolar disorder can also exhibit this. Drugs are another thing that can trigger this, although usually the person has an underlying mental illness.
I'm not saying this to put down the OP, but to urge him to get help. Whether this is taking over his life or not yet, it generally progresses.
An extremely good example of this is portrayed in the movie "A Beautiful Mind" with Russell Crowe. The man this movie was based on was an economist, and outlined some fundamental theorems of economy. He dealt with numbers every day. The movie was excellent, because it seemed so real what he was experiencing. Yet, in the end, his madness was found out, and he had to spend time in a mental hospital. Conspiracy theories were also very important to this person. And it is based on a real person & his descent into madness.
A lady in my church constantly was posting on FB that any kind of repeated member pattern in the clock, like 1:11 or 3:33 was a message of reassurance from her dead son. I know the poor woman was extremely traumatised by the death of her son, and probably blamed herself for it. So, some kind of PTSD plus OCD developing into borderline psychosis? Definitely not a message from her dead son.
Anyway, I've said enough. I do hope Jimak will pay attention, as he needs help. God doesn't hide messages in numbers, except in the case of specific number patterns in the Bible that are clearly identified and agreed upon. If you are seeing numbers repeated or special patterns, you need to get help.
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