So we tell people about Jesus, as to save them, that they may live the REAL life, forever.
No, we tell people about Jesus as a witness to what he does in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts them of their sin.
When the person hears the Holy Spirit, they have two choices at that point:
1. They can choose to ignore Him
2. They can submit to God, repent of their sins (acknowledge that sin is bad and turn away from it), and tell Jesus out loud in front of the witness that they accept Him as their Lord and Savior
So, we as believers have two roles in the process of salvation:
1. Witnesses of our own salvation
2. Witnesses of other people's salvation through the Holy spirit
We don't save anybody. But we can be witnesses to it, Hallelujah!
Do you ever question your own salvation, sometimes? I think most people do? What do you think?
I was saved when I was 12. A pastor had told me what being born again meant. He then led me through a prayer of repentance. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at that time. See, I just witnessed to you. No big deal, right?
What's your salvation story? I would love to hear it. I think all Christians should tell each other their salvation stories, even if they are as boring as mine. What do you think?