i do not think His flesh could be punctured at all unless He willed and allowed it. but He sprinkled His blood on the altar, per Hebrews, so how did this happen? it happened after resurrection. so the blood was resurrected with Him? or it wasn't actually His blood? or... spirit Jesus retrieved physical Jesus's blood and brought it to heaven? or it wasn't 'real' blood but spirit blood? or....?
As far as what does it mean that The Fountain of Living Water says 'I thirst'???
wow ask me again later i need 10,000 years to think that over, ha!
As far as what does it mean that The Fountain of Living Water says 'I thirst'???
wow ask me again later i need 10,000 years to think that over, ha!
Jesus said… Destroy this temple (body) and I will raise it.. What body? The body He was in when He spoke those words…
And He did because He had the “scars” to prove this is the same body that hung on the cross..
So Jesus rose with an immortal flesh body, resurrected body that still had imperfections.
That sucks for someone who lost a arm in war, for they will be raised in the exact same body they had when they died..
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