Do you honestly believe that God would actually be content associating with
people forever all the while their inner man is corruptible-- that part of them
that's hostile towards God, not subject to the law of God; neither indeed
can be?
I'm looking forward to taking full possession of an incorruptible body same
as you, but I'm also looking forward to obtaining full possession of the
incorruptible inner man spoken of by 2Pet 1:3-4.
I've yet to find an example of Jesus speaking of the divine nature with the
exact same two words found in Peter's epistle. rather, Jesus spoke of it as
eternal life, which is the very same thing as divine nature; only by a
different name.
The best thing is: human life is corruptible, whereas eternal life isn't
because it's the life in God. Whereas human life has an intrinsic preference
for evil; the life in God has an intrinsic preference for just the opposite.
I have no clue how God performs this rather unusual miracle, but He is able
to remove their natural life and furnish folks with His life so that there will
never again be any more friction between Himself and them: only harmony.
In my judicious estimation, this particular element of the plan of salvation is
the icing on the cake, the bees knees, and the cat's meow all rolled into one.
I am not sure I understand you. I Cor 15 and the definitions I posted
shows that our bodies become incorruptible.
shows that our bodies become incorruptible.
Do you honestly believe that God would actually be content associating with
people forever all the while their inner man is corruptible-- that part of them
that's hostile towards God, not subject to the law of God; neither indeed
can be?
I'm looking forward to taking full possession of an incorruptible body same
as you, but I'm also looking forward to obtaining full possession of the
incorruptible inner man spoken of by 2Pet 1:3-4.
I've yet to find an example of Jesus speaking of the divine nature with the
exact same two words found in Peter's epistle. rather, Jesus spoke of it as
eternal life, which is the very same thing as divine nature; only by a
different name.
The best thing is: human life is corruptible, whereas eternal life isn't
because it's the life in God. Whereas human life has an intrinsic preference
for evil; the life in God has an intrinsic preference for just the opposite.
I have no clue how God performs this rather unusual miracle, but He is able
to remove their natural life and furnish folks with His life so that there will
never again be any more friction between Himself and them: only harmony.
In my judicious estimation, this particular element of the plan of salvation is
the icing on the cake, the bees knees, and the cat's meow all rolled into one.
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