The Word of God teaches Young Earth Creationism, Do you think the Word of God is a cult and a liar? It is man's teaching that the Earth was not created as the Word of God says it was created.
Word of God teaches the Earth was created in 6 days, and on the 6th Day God made man. Then the Word of God gives us genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ. This is what the Word of God teaches, and it is True. leave it to the Last days generation to believe something other than what the Word of God plainly teaches. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth with THIS generation.
^i^ Responding to post #1470
what you mean is that that is how YOU interpret it because you study it in an unthinking way. You do not read what it SAYS, you read what others have told you it said. The word of God does not teach creation is six man-determined periods of twenty four hours. Such man determined periods were unknown when the Bible was written. YOU FIT IT INTO MODERN SCIENCE.
Now concerning your false accusation against me. Interpretations belong to God NOT to men. i study the Bible to know what is in the Word of God. i do not study the Bible to interpret it. The Holy Spirit of God is who will teach a person Truth concerning the Word of God.
lol, you said "You do not read what it SAYS" The Word of God PLAINLY says God created the Earth in 6 days. Do you believe what it says, or do you believe something OTHER than what it plainly says?
You say "The word of God does not teach creation is six man-determined periods of twenty four hours. Such man determined periods were unknown when the Bible was written."
lol, you say to me that i do not believe what it says, then you ADD from your own thoughts and i might add what others have told you, that such man determined periods were unknown when the Bible was written. Where is that written? Who told you that? Who's interpretation is that? That thought and thinking is from you and not from the Word of God. i have said many times in many other places. that God interprets the Word of God, NOT MEN.
The Word of God teaches plainly that God created the Earth in 6 days. This is True. Now if you use the Word of God to interpret the Word of God, a day can mean two different things. It is written that a day to God is a thousand years to man, it is also written that when a thousand years has past it is but yesterday to God. So then when the Word of God teaches that God created the Earth in 6 days, Is that referring to a Day to God or a Day to man? Truth be told, the Word of God does not reveal that information. Therefore the Earth could have been created in 6 thousand Years (which would be 6 days to God) or it could have been created in 6 twenty-four hour periods (which is 6 days to man) Either which way, the Word of God is still plain, the Earth was created in 6 days, as i have said, to which you disagreed.
i know the God which i serve, could have created the Earth in one day, if He so chose to do so, but He created the Earth to establish the Sabbath Day. So we would emulate them by working 6 days and resting on the 7th. What do you think God actually needed to rest, as if He were tired? lol. He rested for our benefit, not His. He created the Earth in 6 days, for our benefit, not His, He could have done it instantly, Just as Jesus created Fish and Bread INSTANTLY, out of thin air in a a matter of a second. He also made the BEST WINE in a matter of a few seconds. God can do whatever God wants to do, But all that is written is for our benefit, and our testing while upon the Earth.
Advice before you accuse another falsely of believing this or that, maybe you should ask them first. Such as saying "Dave are you saying you believe the Earth is created in 6 twenty four hour days or something else?" Then you would have not have falsely accused another of believing something that you THINK they believed. ASK Them if that is what they believe before going off half cocked and falsely accusing people.
You aslo accuse me, by saying "YOU FIT IT INTO MODERN SCIENCE."
It is apparent you don't know anything about me. Any Science that contradicts the Word of God, is a false science. When it comes to God and the things of God, Science is IGNORANT. Please don't get me wrong. i love science, but any science that contradicts the Word of God, is satan's science.
^i^ Responding to post # 1475