Absolutely. Science has proved Genesis to be extremely accurate. Archological digs for example prove events in Genesis actually happened as described. Here is a site showing the 5 miracles of big bang evolution.
Here are moremlinks using science to prove the accuracy of the Bible. Science as opposed to the atheistic view of it not being the accurate God given truth of history being recorded.
Evolutionary Dilemma
Desperate Attempts to Discover 'the Elusive Process of Evolution'
The Four Dimensional Human Genome Defies Naturalistic Explanations (see the Conclusions)
Response to anti creationist books
15 ways to refute materialist bigotry
Countering the critics questions and answers
Unmasking a long age icon
Canyon Creation
Evidence for Creation
<none> | The Institute for Creation Research
A Few Reasons Evolutionary Origin of Life is Impossible
The Institute for Creation Research
An Open Letter to the Scientific Community (Big Bang)
https://web.archive.org/web/20140401081546/http://cosmologystatement.org/is a
101 Evidences of the Young Age of Earth - CMI
Response to the Atheistic Opposition to 101 Evidences
Evolution Biologically Impossible
The Institute for Creation Research
Scientific Case Against Evolution - Part 1 and 2 - ICR
The Institute for Creation Research
The Institute for Creation Research
The genome is a multi-dimensional operating system for an ultra-complex biological computer, with built-in error correcting and self-modification codes. There are multiple overlapping DNA codes, RNA codes, and structural codes. There are DNA genes and RNA genes. The genome was designed with a large amount of redundancy, on purpose, by a highly-intelligent being who used sound engineering principles during its construction. Despite the redundancy, it displays an amazing degree of compactness as a mere 22,000 or so protein-coding genes combinatorially create several hundred thousand distinct proteins.
I have a challenge for the evolutionist: Explain the origin of the genome! Charles Darwin wrote in the origin of species:
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.
I know this quote has been abused (by both sides of the debate) but let’s think about this for a second. The simpler life is, the easier it is to explain in Darwinian terms. On the other hand, the more complex life becomes, the more intractable a problem it causes for evolutionary theory. We have just seen that the genome is the opposite of simple. This should make all Darwinists very uncomfortable.
I claim the genome could not have arisen through known naturalistic processes. The evolutionist who wants to take up this challenge must give us a workable scenario, including the source of informational changes, an account of the amount of mutation necessary, and a description of the selective forces necessary, all within the proper time frame. They will discover that evolution cannot do what they require, even over millions of years.
As you were saying about no scientific evidence!!