Sharing ones good news seems to be a unpopular thing to do.
Sharing a christian song between friends seems to be critical too.
Its no wonder why this world is so confused about christians or so called christians.
I believe everyone is entitled to there opinion but to express it to derail a thread, to criticize others, to sow discourse is pathetic.
This whole forum imo is the condition of the church in general and its a sad one to say the least. May the Lord forgive us all.
The title of this thread "its time to shine saints" refers to the light that is in you ....not the glitter of your sword.
We have all been given freedoms in Christ Jesus, some profitable some not but none the less they are freedoms.
I thought we could rejoice in the fact that the Lord was moving even in the midst of the storm we are all dealing with in this present day. Some of these responces say different.
Faith comes by hearing....hearing brings hope....spirituality is a discipline to be mastered.
Sharing a christian song between friends seems to be critical too.
Its no wonder why this world is so confused about christians or so called christians.
I believe everyone is entitled to there opinion but to express it to derail a thread, to criticize others, to sow discourse is pathetic.
This whole forum imo is the condition of the church in general and its a sad one to say the least. May the Lord forgive us all.
The title of this thread "its time to shine saints" refers to the light that is in you ....not the glitter of your sword.
We have all been given freedoms in Christ Jesus, some profitable some not but none the less they are freedoms.
I thought we could rejoice in the fact that the Lord was moving even in the midst of the storm we are all dealing with in this present day. Some of these responces say different.
Faith comes by hearing....hearing brings hope....spirituality is a discipline to be mastered.
Don't let naysayers dictate the purpose of your thread not even me we all are a part of the body and if the body attacks itself do you know what is? that is how cancer works.
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