Dude, WHat school did you go to? Theiy failed you!!
A childs DNA comes from both the egg (seed) and the pollinator (sperm)
Mary Gave Jesus his physical Body.. The HS pollinated or completed the egg, so it was not TAINTED by the sin of ADAM.
Death comes through adam, Not the woman.
The body that was needed for sacrifice was to be pure and Holy. Any resemblance of DNA from a sinner by nature would spiritually be passed onto offspring. And Yeshua, the SEED of God (
but only the offspring of Mary) would biologically have no connection to a sin nature. This is why Yeshua had to drink the "
Cup," because He was pure, sinless, Holy, the Temple of God from WORD Go!!
The crazy thoughts of God being intimate with Mary being understood as what took place, had to be a definite psychological disorder. It's even having you believe the Woman's egg can be a part of fertilization hahahaha It's the Catcher Bro, the Male pitches and the egg catches (or gets broken into and fertilizes the egg).
Technically, the egg is protecting itself from being fertilized. The SEED is designed to peck at the egg and create a spot it can swim through. From there, Life is formed.
To not understand the very basics of life, implies your views probably have been passed onto you as well