God had the KJV translated for the purpose of bringing forth fruit, and it has been very obedient to the call. It was translated at the perfect time in human history. The greatest preachers of the past four centuries have been King James Bible believers. Billy Sunday is said to have led over one million people to Christ, and he was a KJV believer. Spurgeon, Moody, Whitfield, and Wesley were all KJV men, and the list goes on. God has richly blessed the ministries of such men as these because they stayed busy OBEYING His word rather than questioning its authority.
The KJV produces good fruit, because the Holy Spirit bears witness to it like no other book in the world. It's easier to memorize than any new version, and the beautiful old English language gives the reader the impression that he is reading a book very different and far superior to the rest. It reads different because it IS different, and it IS different because it has a different Author.
The KJV produces good fruit, because the Holy Spirit bears witness to it like no other book in the world. It's easier to memorize than any new version, and the beautiful old English language gives the reader the impression that he is reading a book very different and far superior to the rest. It reads different because it IS different, and it IS different because it has a different Author.
We all know King James didnt write his Bible. He just commissioned it, set the rules for its translation. If you also note; no King ratified or commissioned or authorized the Scriptures of the Bible. Also God did not ever ordain a usurper of the throne. Even David waited until God dealt with Saul.
If all those famous preaxhers actually converted so many people why is our nation a nation of heathens and heretics., the numbers dont add up. The the fruit of western evangelicalism is questionable. We have more herecies and cults than ancient Israel.
Even Billy Graham gave a statement where he made the claim that there will be budists and muslims in heaven because they were God seekers even though they never confessed Christ.
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