OK so then HOW do we love them? HOW do we approach them? We can't be like "Well you'll never get married and you'll be alone forever so good luck!" That's an awful idea! So what do we do then?
Homosexuality is a sin like any other. If you feed your sinful desires, they will continue to grow. I don't believe people are "hardwired" to be gay. I don't even like the term "gay". I can give in to my desires to lust after women or men or whatever other desires my flesh and Satan can conjure up, if I pursue these desires my mind will continually be seeking the next and more "exciting" activity. On top of that, everyone is looking for an identity, they are looking for a cause, a place to belong and something that makes them "special". I think it would be very difficult to change the minds of anyone who has chosen to identify themselves as "gay"
They are part of an "oppressed" community (which bonds them together strongly, gives them a purpose like they are changing the world and leading mankind into the next phase of compassion and enlightenment), they have an identity that is edgy and "cool" based on sexuality (which can be very empowering and exciting), they experience a great amount of acceptance and support by their "gay" peers, they tend to be much more promiscuous making it much easier to find "partners" and have "fun", they have committed themselves by "coming out" (enduring all the persecution from family, friends and others. When people suffer for a cause, it can really solidify their resolve). Etc...
So I think that the best way to witness to them is with understanding and love, but you also have to share with them a lot of truth and they must know what God truly says (not just about His stance on their sin but also just who He is in general and why we are here. ) They can't belong to the church ( same goes for anyone who is openly and proudly committing any habitual sin), they must be kicked out so they do not become decieved that what they are doing (being rebellious towards God) is acceptable.
Then they will live in sin and disobedience (a plaything for Satan) until either they tire of being separated from God and realize the emptiness of sin and Satan's promises and repent and seek God. Or they will die in their rebellion. Its really an act of God that will open peoples eyes and hearts, nothing we can do besides speak truth in love, take our stance with God/the Bible and pray..
I don't think we should be a part of the whole anti-gay movement. That's just a bunch of worldliness and, like all worldliness, only brings about hate and death. I dont think homosexuality should be singled out as "more evil" than any other sin. Most of the people running around yelling homosexuals are going to hell probably dont even know what it means to walk with Christ and will probably be judged more severly than the "homosexuals" on judgement day. I think we should be a part of the anti worldliness movement.