One person's infiltration is another's invitation. Maybe if so many of the letters weren't so similar it would lessen the confusion.
And I also think that everybody's (Christian's) response to life-issues can be different.
For me though, I often see Christian's trying to defend the church as though God can't defend it Himself.
Christianity isn't a fragile thing that needs defending. Furthermore, Scripture tells us that the World hates us
because it hates God. Therefore, it's always been and always will be under attack.
I just wish that we weren't always seeking to improve the image of the Church when the world sees Christianity
through the lenses of unbelievers, and just stay the course... be the people that God wants each individual to be. Not try
to paint some picture of perfection or try to argue against the stereotype(s) that Christian's have become in the world's eye.
I don't think that we have to try to instill moral values on unbelievers, just live our lives unto God with integrity.
The homosexual-movement is here and probably isn't going to go away... we're not going to open the eyes of anyone...
we're not going to convince unbelievers to believe. That's God's job, right?
Instead, just hold fast to what we believe. Fight for rights to follow our faith. And allow unbelievers to do their thing. And
when churches increasingly fall away and follow the world... we move on to other congregations. I think that as a whole,
we've allowed ourselves to become complacent in choosing a congregation, and the Enemy has built a huge surplus of
churches that aren't truly built on Biblical foundations... but they do exist.
So, anyway, I don't go around trying to change society or even people, I try to do the best that I can do in a Godly way. I think
that in doing this, God's light in me will shine in the Darkness. And those seeking Light, will come.
But that's just me...
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