A couple things I saw people comment on that I disagree, not trying to flame, but it is a discussion isn't it?
1. Someone said that the word of God needed no addition, using Revelations 22:19 as the basis for this opinion. If you know your history, you would know that the Bible was not put together until LONG after the Book of Revelations was written, thus the book was on its own for a very long time. It's pretty common sense that John was commenting on making sure no one would add or take away from HIS book, the Book of Revelations. The Bible is also not in Chronological Order as it was written, which could mean the Book of Revelation could very well have been written BEFORE other books in the Bible(which many Bible Scholars now believe), which, using your logic would mean we should take those books out. Of course that would be silly, so in short, we shouldn't ever take away from the Word of God, but who are we to say God can't talk anymore if he wanted to...
2. Terry said :
The Best advice anyone can give you is STAY AWAY FROM THE MORMON church. I speak thru experience. I was fooled into becoming a mormon and even lived in Salt Lake City, UT. for 6 yrs. I don't want to bash anyone in particular so I won't talk about my experiences there. I will say however that before I joined I had to make a Promise that I would attend thier church every week, as well as give 10% of my income as thithes. Whenever I needed help, the first thing that I was asked is, "Are you a Full Thithe payer?" When I had a question about something that made the person I was speaking to uncomfortable because he couldn't answer it, I was told that my testimony is weak.
In thier services they spend more time saying that the mormon church is true, and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God more than talking about the Lord. They also believe, and say that Nephi had taken his family across the ocean to the American continent. Which, according to thier beliefs is the ancestors of the American Indians.
If any member openly questions the mormon beliefs/practices, that person is threatened with excommunication.
This happened a few years ago (I cannot remember the year) when someone announced that he had DNA evidence that the indians were descendants of the asians and not people from the middle east. The person I refer to was, if i remember correctly, had a PhD or some other degree. In any Case, he was a professional in his field of study. He was also a member of the mormon church.
If joining the mormon church is something you are thinking about doing, I strongly advise against it. But that is your decision so before you make that commitment then at least research them as thouroughly as you can. "
A - You were "fooled"...sorry, but in my view this lessens your credibility drastically.
B - You "promised" to go to church each week, and pay 10%, of course, isn't that what the Bible asks of us? We are commanded to meet together often, and many churchs have a form of tithing they use. Promising that you will follow God's commandments before joining a church just gives credibility to the church.
C - This is regarding being asked if your a tithe payer when you went to the church for help. I feel like your taking this completely out of context, or just didn't understand the reason for this. Since we know God blesses those who follow his commandments, and that tithing is a commandment, we know God will bless those that pay their tithing. So if your having a hard time, and your not paying your tithing, perhaps your missing out on some blessings God can help you with, and that you can get for yourself. God is much better at helping us out than the church is. I have seen COUNTLESS people who don't pay a penny of tithing receive help from the church, members and non members alike, so I really can't agree with you on this.
D - Because I have been in many of the church meetings(since I am a member), I know first hand experience how much emphasis is placed on Joseph Smith compared to Jesus Christ, and your comment is just not true. Who is the church named after? Who do we pray in the name of? Just walk around the church, how many pictures of Joseph Smith are there compared with Jesus Christ? It doesn't even come close. Some people talk about Joseph Smith alot, and that is their own choice, but the church has Jesus Christ as its focal point, because he is our Savior, not Joseph Smith.
D -
"If any member openly questions the mormon beliefs/practices, that person is threatened with excommunication." - To me it wouldn't make sense to have members of your church who refuses to believe in the teachings of it, right? But the church doesn't excommunicate people on a whim, you have to specifically go against the foundation principles of the church to be excommunicated.
3 - Someone posted some websites that are run by former Mormons. I know from experience that "ex's", whether in a relationship, church, employement, etc, tend to have a very pessimistic view of their former station. This isn't always the case, but it is very common, so I just recommend you take what is said with a grain of salt.
www.mormon.org and
www.lds.org is the church's official websites(mormon.org geared at people that don't know much about the church). But ultimely it comes down to how you feel in your heart. Just remember that people even accused Christ of false charges, you can't really know until you see for yourself, and pray about it.