Moses - prophet
Aaron - priest
Joshua - king
Moses (the type of Christ the prophet) in fact HAD to die BEFORE entering into the land of promise.
Because ONLY the "type of the King" is ASSIGNED the task of ushering the children of Israel into the land of promise.
And which Biblical character did the ushering? Joshua aka Jesus as the Conquering King.
Who will do to the
(now totally corrupt post-rapture) end-time world what Joshua did to the land of Caanan.
And of course the Gibeonites represent the gentiles who come to faith, obtain the covenant of life and peace, and are thereby saved out of that "dark" time and place.
@Cameron143 , is that sufficient proof that eschatology is a thing? Because it sure should be.
@HeIsHere might take heed as well.
Oh and another thing:
Yes, Moses of his own free will CHOSE to disobey Gods command at Numbers 20. But he fulfilled the (MANY) typological requirements in that dramatic event anyways.
But, of course, this failure of Moses was FOREKNOWN by God, Who arranged everything to fulfill the MYRIAD types of Christ that Moses clearly said that he would be!
Deu 18:15
The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;
A study of Moses alone should be enough to save.....anybody. And enough to convince any Christian that "end-time" eschatology is going to happen inevitably.
How does all of this sound to you
@posthuman ? You are my go-to back-checker.