first off. I see no one has refuted or spoken about what I posted. I think the OT is clear about Jacob and Israel (the two kingdoms) being brought back after they repent. They are just where they were prophesied to be. In gentil control because of her harlotry. which she is still practicing as we have been shown.
Jacob and Israel are not the church. The church is spiritual Isreal. Not {hysical jacob and Israel.
The calling out of Babylon I was talking about was in the oT. not in rev. Babylon was high and mighty back then. It was the system started in Babylon Thus uts name) it was the system which Israel played the harlot with. It is because of this harlotry that she was punished. This is why Syria took the north. And why Babylon took the south, and eventually Rome finished it in AD70.
God was calling for Israel to depart from Babylon. Stop practicing this pagan system.
The fallinjg away in 2 thess shows that the church has basically become so dep[raved there are few if any left (about like the end when Israel fell.
This would be the (times of the gentiles being completed) Paul spoke of in Romans 11. Basically the church goes the way of Israel.
When this happens is when God says enough is enough, and the wrath of God, the time of Jacobs trouble, or the tribulation comes on the earth.
God is patient now, wishing that none will parish. But there will come a point when any hope of any more being saved will be slim and God;'s patience wears out.